Free Range Readers

Nurturing Self Reliant Readers and Writers in K-6 classrooms

Poetry Friday Delight



Thanks this week to My Juicy Little Universe for hosting Poetry Friday. I have chosen a poem about writing by one of my very favorite writers, Naomi Shihab Nye. I was browsing through some of my collected poems, and this is the poem that spoke to me for this week. I am thinking ahead to school and the writing that I want to do with my students, and this poem inspires me to write. Maybe it will do the same for you! Have a great weekend!  😉


The Time

Naomi Shihab Nye

Summer is the time to write. I tell myself this

in winter especially. Summer comes,

I want to tumble with the river

over rocks and mossy dams.


A fish drifting upside down.

Slow accordions sweeten the breeze.


The Sanitary Mattress Factory says,

“Sleep is Life.”

Why do I think of forty ways to spend an afternoon?


Yesterday someone said, “It gets late so early.”

I wrote it down. I was going to do something with it.

Maybe it is a title and this life is the poem.



Author: mnosal

I have been in education for all of my life, in one way or another. After teaching 5th grade at an urban public charter school, I have decided to return to the public schools and to literacy coaching K-5. I also teach and mentor preservice teachers.


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